Wednesday, May 2, 2012

Why Walkman?

The Walkman was the responsible for a new music world. Before it people couldn't listen to music all the time and only could listen to music in a big machine. With Walkman we can listen to music anywhere with headphones. This inovation was create by Sony and after that evry year Sony lauched a new equipament. Because this, either Sony and either Walkman was a symbole of lifestyyle, younger and inovation.

I chose Walkman for the topic of my blog because I can't live whithout music. I used my Ipod all the time and I think the Walkman was one of the best creat in centry 20.

The Walkman

In the past, people only listened to music in a big machine, and used the vinil ( something like a CD of the attuality) for this. Because of this, the walkman changed the way of people listen to music and changed the music world.

  This innovation was created by Sony in 1979, two years late, the president Akio Moritta requested to the engeners to create something portable and small to listen opera during on his frequent trips.
After it was created; Evry year Sony lauched a new model of walkman, but in 25th anniversary  the Sony created the Discman and this technology is used the CD to listen to music. But if you can put 15 songs in a CD you can put  the double of this in a MP3 CD and because of this, the walkman began to be popular.

 When Apple lauched the Ipod Sony lauched a similar portable audio to race against Apple success. It’s important remember: That the MP3 Walkman and the Ipod were the responsible of inclusion new codes, for example: WMA, AAC and others. A color display, flash memory and more hour-battery were the changes in there hardwares.

 In the market, Sony introduct the idea of high-tecnology on small things. The Global culture called this the “Japanesse-ness”. But another expectation of the market was the introducted of the idea of a portable equipament and a symble to younger people.

  Today, listening to music is something somple, fast and viciousness. We listen to music all the time and we can use many technologies for this, like: computes, tablets, cell phones, video games, walkman MP3, Ipodes, radios and many other gadgets.

  Music was a symble and can express the way people see the world. When we think of music sometimes we imagine in Apple but never forget: Sony and the Walkman were responsible for the revolution of music